About copyright

In short, just don't exploit me and it's all good. 

You can use anything from my game in any way that you want, so long as it doesn't unfairly profit off of my work. Parodies, fan games, let's plays, or even separate projects using my assets are completely fine! It's why you can find it all so easily in the game's files. All I ask is that you credit me and that you don't profit off of it. I am developing this game for free and I expect anyone who uses my assets to do the same.

This game uses a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. In simple terms, this means that anything using my game's content needs to:

  • Credit me (I'm not too strict about how you do it. Just linking to this page is fine.)
  • Not be used commercially. Even if you credit me, you can't use my assets for a commercial project. I am developing this game for free, and I want don't others to make money using my assets.
  • Use this CC license. Basically, if you use parts from my game, I expect you to also use a Creative Commons license. I am committing myself to making this game and its parts freely available, and I expect anyone who uses it to do the same.

I am not as strict about the code contained in my game. If you want to use parts of  that for yourself, you can just take it (within reason). I had to figure plenty of things out on my own, so if my code helps someone, then that's great! It would be nice if you credit me, of course, but you don't have to.

I am also completely cool with streaming or recording my game, with or without commentary and for whatever purpose.  Feel free to also send a link to it here so I can see what you've made (just for my own curiosity).

Like I said, just be reasonable.

Branded © 2024 by MaxSpartan is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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